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🎥 Everything is downstream from Lead Generation: Bonus Video

🎥 Bonus Video: Everything is downstream from Lead Generation

Here’s Daniel Priestley’s keynote at the 2022 Expert Empires event.

In the presentation, Daniel demonstrates how traditional forms of marketing, even on social media, are broadcast only and therefore there’s a need for engaging, automated and personalised marketing – and how this can be achieved through Scorecard Marketing.

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Implementing the Formula
Implementing the Formula


You’ve completed the 30 Minute Lead Formula!

Introducing your 24/7 lead generator!

The smarter way to generate higher converting leads.

ScoreApp makes quiz funnel marketing easy, so you can attract relevant warm leads, insightful data and increase your sales

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More than just quiz software

We’ve built ScoreApp with the goal of making it as easy as possible to get setup and start generating high quality data rich leads.

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More Leads

Use a simple, quick Scorecard with a single score or outcome as a fun and engaging way to turn more cold prospects into warm leads

More Data

Turn your existing followers, subscribers or referrals into data rich leads and add value by providing feedback across multiple outcomes.

Loyal Customers

Provide customers with a regular checkin or in-depth diagnostic. The more you know about them, the better you can serve their needs.


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