Many thought leaders and industry experts write books to showcase their sector knowledge, position themselves as an authority in their field, and create a valuable asset for their business. There are many forms of content creation that can be used to showcase a deep level of insight or creativity on a chosen topic, but authoring a book carries an unmatched inherent level of respect and credibility. When used properly, a book can also be an invaluable lead generation tool, but generating leads from a book is difficult, and many authors struggle.
Books, just like any other form of content creation, have a major drawback – the people that are reading, engaging with, and absorbing your content are completely anonymous. You don’t know their names, their needs, or how your advice or insight relates to them personally.
You’re dolling out your expertise, not to mention putting a huge amount of time and energy into writing your book in the first place, but you’re unable to start a conversation with your readers unless they contact you, and you’re therefore unable to get your book to work as hard for you as it could.
Entrepreneur Daniel Priestly wrote his first book in 2010 and quickly discovered that he wasn’t fully able to understand who was reading the book, how it related to them, or how he could turn his readers into conversations and valuable business relationships.
To overcome this challenge, an invitation was included in the book that invited readers to head online and participate in an online scorecard, a series of questions about the ideas in the book that readers answered. After answering the questions, the scorecard generated an automated report for the reader that scored the reader on each of the key themes of the book. This enabled them to understand how they stacked up against the recommendations in the book and where they needed to focus.
Readers absolutely loved the scorecard as it gave them quantifiable information and advice about how to get more from the ideas in the book. By including the scorecard invitation in his book, Daniel was suddenly able to collect data on those reading his book, contact them, and start conversations about working together.
In the years since, Daniel has utilised scorecard technology in his follow-up books to increasing levels of success. This revolutionary scorecard technology has been made into a platform that is now being used by thousands of authors, content creators, and small businesses across the world. It’s called ScoreApp, and you can use it to do the exact same thing Daniel did. You can use scorecard technology for your own businesses, create their own scorecards to drive audiences to them, collect vital data that can enable you to start having conversations with your readers and turn them into high-value clients for your business. In short, with scorecard technology, you’ll be able to collect more data and make more sales
Visit our homepage to find out more about how scorecard technology can revolutionise your effectiveness at generating leads from a book, or any other piece of content. We have an example Scorecard you can take that will not only demonstrate exactly how the technology works, but it’ll also give you a powerful insight into your current lead generation processes, and we have a demo video that explains how it all works and how to set up a Scorecard for yourself.