6 ways to make money using quiz marketing

Are you using quiz marketing within your business?
If not, you might want to consider it. Quiz marketing is a great way to grow your business and make money along the way.
There are many ways you can increase your revenue using quizzes, and in this article, we walk you through 6 different ways you can use quizzes to grow your business.
1. Use a quiz to promote your product
By far, the most common use for using a quiz within your business is lead generation. You might be thinking… “but wait, leads don’t equal money”. That’s true. Leads don’t necessarily turn into revenue, but without leads, it’s a lot more difficult to get people to buy from you.

A common phrase you might hear online is “the money is in the list” this refers to an email list of potential customers. Generally speaking, the more interested and engaged people you have on your email list, the more sales you will make.
This is why most businesses who use a quiz use it as a lead magnet to attract more potential customers.
An accountant could create a quiz that helps people understand their numbers better.
“The Business Breakdown Quiz: Test Your Knowledge and learn how to improve your profit”
2. Build quizzes for clients
Another common way to make money using quiz marketing is to make quizzes for your clients.
Quizzes are extremely versatile, which means they can work well in almost any industry, such as:
- Financial services
- Fitness
- Coaching and mentoring
- Marketing
- Sales
- Ecommerce
- And much more
If you have clients in any of these industries, then a quiz can help them to generate better, high-quality leads and potential customers.

The problem is, your clients are probably busy and might not have time to build a quiz. They might struggle to do it themselves and may need some support along the way. This is where you can help.
- If you’re a copywriter, you could write the whole quiz. This could include, the landing page, the questions, and the results page.
- If you’re a designer, you could design the landing page and some promotional graphics for social media
- If you’re a quiz expert, you could build the entire quiz from start to finish.
There is a lot of money in client services, and people are always happy to pay to avoid doing something themselves.
3. Teach people how to generate leads using quizzes
Everywhere you look online, coaches and consultants are teaching people how to use various tools and techniques that they use to grow their businesses.
They might have:
- Coaching programs
- Membership websites
- Online courses
Throughout these products and programs, they make good money teaching people how to use strategies such as building a quiz, lead generation and how to increase conversions.

If you have had good success with your quiz or scorecard and you’d like to teach people how you’ve done it then you could teach what you know and charge for it.
“Take my online quiz course for £197. Using quizzes for lead generation. I’ll teach you how to build your email list fast and have people begging to do business with you”
This could be a short 6-part video course telling your audience exactly how to build a lead generation quiz.
4. Sell a premium version of you quiz
How valuable is your quiz? Could you potentially charge people to take part?
If it was a short, simple 10-question lead generation quiz… probably not.
But if it was an in-depth, assessment tool that gave personalised practical guidance? Then yes. Absolutely you could charge for it. People are always happy to pay for real value.
Generally, the more in-depth a quiz or assessment is, the more tailored your results page can be. This means you can offer even more value.

Here is an example…
“Take the fitness scorecard and get a robust workout routine based on your body style. Only £47”
As you can see from this example, it’s positioned slightly differently, but it still uses the same quiz structure as a free quiz.
5. Promote quiz software
Have you ever considered promoting quiz software to give yourself an additional income stream?
Most quiz tools like ScoreApp run generous affiliate programs that allow you to:
- Earn recurring commission on any sale you refer
- Use their promotional material to help you spread the word
- Get additional support and guidance on how to best use the software
If you have an audience of any size, it might be worth becoming an affiliate for your favourite quiz tool.

Affiliate promotion examples…
If you have a podcast about lead generation, you could use the following announcement before or after the show…
“Do you want better, more qualified leads coming into your business? If so, you should check out ScoreApp. ScoreApp use beautiful, intelligent quizzes that turn your cold website traffic into engaged customers – Try them out for free for 14 days using my special link”
Your link could redirect to your affiliate link.
If you would like to join ScoreApp’s affiliate program and earn a recurring commission, sign up here.

6. Promote other affiliate products
Have you been using a quiz to grow your audience and build your email list? If so, you probably have an engaged list of people who are excited to hear from you.
This means your subscribers and followers are much more likely to listen to you and follow your advice after taking your super valuable quiz.

Although quiz software is awesome, there will be times when you want to promote additional tools and resources that help your audience in other ways. Things such as:
- Email marketing tools
- CRM software
- Online courses and training
- Niche partner offers
- High ticket mastermind coaching
- And much more
Once you have an engaged email database, you can present valuable offers to help your audience to achieve their goal and earn good commissions in the process.
Example affiliate offer…
“Thank you for taking the video marketing quiz. I hope you got some nuggets of wisdom along the way. If you found the quiz useful, you’re going to love this…
Our friends at [insert name of product] have built an incredible course that helps you record and edit videos 5 times faster”
Make money online with quizzes
If you like the sound of any of these, then try a few of them out. You can easily combine a few of these options to add extra income streams to your business.
For instance, someone who builds a quiz for their client can also earn affiliate commissions promoting quiz software. And someone who uses a quiz to grow their email list could promote an online course about quiz building.
The opportunities are endless.
If you want to get started with quizzes, try building one with ScoreApp. We have a 14-day free trial, and you can start getting more leads and sales straight away.