Lead Generation


Comparing Funnel Builders: Which Should You Choose?

Unfortunately, potential customers don’t just conveniently jump into the top of our sales funnel and glide smoothly to conversion, no…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 26 min read

7 Waitlist Mistakes (and how to fix them)

If you want to launch a successful offer, launch a waitlist first. Launching a waitlist is a great way to…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 7 min read

12 Ways to Make your Quiz Mobile-Friendly

Imagine planning the perfect quiz for your audience, creating it, launching it and… losing over HALF of your participants! If…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 6 min read

4 Steps to Generate Inbound Leads Fast

Tired of relying on unpredictable referrals or cold outreach that requires so much time and effort? Then, take control of…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 7 min read

How to Create a Viral Quiz for Your Business

You want your brand to be on everyone’s lips and fingertips, don’t you? Well, great news: the right quiz will…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 9 min read

Lead Generation for Agencies

Like most agencies, you’re probably super busy helping your clients increase their traffic, leads and sales. This usually means you’re…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 8 min read

32 Quiz Templates you can use for Free

Are you thinking of launching a quiz for your business but not sure where to start? In this article, you’ll…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 9 min read

What to include on your quiz results page

Launching a quiz for your business is exciting. Quizzes are a fun and effective way to grow your audience and…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 13 min read

21 Quiz Ideas for Agencies

If you are looking to get high-quality leads for your agency, then a quiz might be the way to go….

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 9 min read

5 Best B2B Lead Magnets to Get More Leads in 2023

The best B2B lead magnets do a lot more than just getting “more email subscribers”! High-performing lead magnets bring you…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 7 min read

10 LinkedIn Post Ideas to Share Your Quiz

There’s no denying the power of LinkedIn, especially for B2B companies. In fact, Linkedin continuously outperforms Facebook and Twitter combined…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 11 min read

6 ways to make money using quiz marketing

Are you using quiz marketing within your business? If not, you might want to consider it. Quiz marketing is a…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 5 min read

9 quiz funnel mistakes (and how to fix them)

Launching a quiz is exciting. It’s a fun, new way to grow your audience, and it’s so much easier promoting…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 12 min read

Things to consider when making a quiz

So you know you want to build a quiz for your business? That’s awesome. Building a quiz can help generate…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 12 min read

What is a quiz funnel and why do you need one?

Have you heard the term “Quiz Funnel” before, but you’re not entirely sure what it is or whether you need…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 10 min read

29 Simple Ways to Launch Your Quiz Lead Magnet

Congratulations! You’ve built your quiz, and you’re excited to share it with the world. But the big question is, how…

Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach | Chief Marketing Officer
• 15 min read

How to Promote Your Scorecard Organically

What is organic advertising? Organic advertising is essentially advertising that costs little to no time and money to create and…

Rebecca Hollis |
• 6 min read

How to Generate Leads from Content

The number one challenge facing content creators in the 2020s is how to generate leads from the content they create….

Felix O'Shea |
• 4 min read