
9 LeadQuizzes Alternatives: Pros, Cons & How to Choose

LeadQuizzes Alternatives Reviews

You want to launch a quiz for your business and thought LeadQuizzes might be the answer. But now that you’ve tried it or looked into it, you’re not so sure anymore?

LeadQuizzes is not going to be the right option for everyone. And if it turns out it doesn’t have the right functionality or match your budget, there are LOTS of LeadQuizzes alternatives to choose from!

I’ll walk you through 9 of them in this article along with their strengths and weaknesses, so that you can find the perfect quiz maker for your business. 

Let’s dive right into it!

LeadQuizzes overview

LeadQuizzes is an online quiz maker for audience engagement and lead generation. It also has a few options for surveys, forms and tests for students.

As you can see, the quiz styles and landing pages are fairly similar and you can’t really change much to match your brand and style.

Leadquizzes Templates

The quizzes are definitely easy to create and good enough to entertain your audience.

But if you were hoping for more advanced features and analytics, you might find it limiting.

Price – from £29.71/month


  • Lead generation – As the name suggests, LeadQuizzes can help you grow and manage your leads
  • Easy to use – It has basic templates, a drag-and-drop builder and question starting points
  • Integrations – You can connect your quiz with the most popular CRMs and email marketing platforms
  • Versatile – As well as quizzes, you can create surveys and forms


  • Basic landing/results pages – For example, you can’t include additional elements to boost conversions (like videos, testimonials or media badges). Also, your customers won’t get to download their results as PDF reports
  • Limited quiz types – If you want to go beyond scored, personality and trivia quizzes, it might not work for you
  • Limited analytics – Despite focusing on lead generation, its tracking options aren’t very in-depth
  • Can be expensive – The basic version lacks features that might be essential for your lead generation, like sending emails with results. To unlock them, you’re looking at a minimum of £59.41/month (which might be too much for small businesses and individuals)

9 best LeadQuizzes alternatives

Now that you know all about its pros and cons, does LeadQuizzes sound right for your business, budget and goals?

If it doesn’t (or you’re on the fence), don’t sweat it.

Let’s look at the best LeadQuizzes alternatives!

1. ScoreApp Quiz Software for Leads & Sales

You can use our quiz software in multiple ways, but we’ve created it for ONE main goal: build an entire and effective quiz funnel. The kind of funnel that’s quick and easy to set up and KEEPS on bringing you leads automatically!

Free Quiz Software

It’ll also segment, track and nurture them in a more personalised way (= DING DING DING, more sales).

Another element that makes ScoreApp a fantastic LeadQuizzes alternative? Scorecard marketing! You’ll get to show your customers what they’re already doing well (who doesn’t love an ego stroke?) and what they still need help with (from YOU, of course).

Price – from £24/month


  • Easy to set up – Our pre-made templates and drag-and-drop builder make it a breeze to create your quiz, even if you’re not usually good with tech
  • AI – We were the first online quiz maker to include it. Fancy creating your entire quiz funnel in 3 minutes?
  • Versatile – With a wide range of question formats and quiz types, you’ll never feel limited. You’ll get to create the perfect quiz for your business and goals!
  • Dynamic results – With Scorecards, you’ll get to divide all quiz results into categories, impress customers and nurture them with personalised email sequences (and watch those sales and conversions GROW)
  • PDF reports – The Pro plan lets you turn those results into custom PDFs, emailing them to your leads
  • Customisation – Logo, colours and fonts: with the Business and Pro plans, your quiz will match your brand to a T
  • Analytics – It’s by tracking and measuring your results that you can perfect your quiz and make informed decisions. That’s why we offer in-depth analytics that are easy to understand
  • Integrations – A full quiz funnel won’t work on its own! You can link your ScoreApp quiz to most CRMs and email marketing platforms


  • Whitelabelling – At this stage, we haven’t got an option to remove our branding entirely. Still, 4000+ businesses (including marketers and agencies) are already sharing their ScoreApp quizzes with their own clients
  • Not built for e-commerce – If you need a LeadQuizzes alternative that links to specific product pages, it won’t be for you. ScoreApp is better suited for recommending specific services or next steps and booking targeted sales calls
  • Pricing – We’re slightly more expensive than some of the other LeadQuizzes alternatives, but that’s because we include advanced features to help you sell more. We’re also cheaper than LeadQuizzes itself

ScoreApp is ideal to stand out, collect data and make more sales with a fun and insightful quiz.

Launch free quiz

2. Quizlet  – Education & Tests

As teased before, you can use LeadQuizzes to test students, but it’s not its focus. Is it yours? Then, this learning platform might be a better option.

Quizlet Education Quiz

Known for its flashcards, Quizlet allows teachers to make learning more engaging. It also helps students revise and get better grades.

Price – Freemium and from £6.99/month


  • Great for teachers – Flashcards, competitions, dynamic tests… You’ll get to keep your students engaged (in and out of the classroom) and create more personalised learning plans 
  • Study aid – As well as using your material to revise, your students can create their own
  • AI – It’ll save a tonne of time to you (= faster material creation) and your students (= like turning their own notes into flashcards) 
  • Languages – 15+! Excellent for foreign language teachers or multinational classes
  • Simple – It has a straightforward interface, and it’s easy to create flashcards and tests
  • Pricing – It’s a much more affordable LeadQuizzes alternative, especially with yearly subscriptions 


  • Ads – The free plan has many, which can be distracting for students 
  • Wrong information – Any user can create and share their own study sets! So, your students might access inaccurate information 
  • Cheating – Several teachers reported problems with students cheating and sharing test answers via Quizlet
  • Limited use – If you ONLY need it for teaching, it’s probably the best LeadQuizzes alternative for you. But if you’re after a quiz to get leads for your business, it wouldn’t work

3. Gravity Forms Quiz Addon

Gravity Form is a popular WordPress plugin to (you guessed it) create all kinds of forms and gather data.

It also has a quiz add-on to score questions and use conditional logic. 

Gravity Forms Quiz Builder

It’s just not as advanced as standalone quiz builders. But if you’re already using Gravity Forms (and only need a simple quiz), this add-on might be enough.

Price – £207.80/year


  • Gravity Form and WordPress integration – Manage your quiz through your existing website and plugin backend
  • Forms – It’s a handy tool to create custom forms and gather data, going beyond the most basic Contact pages


  • Limited quiz features – You just can’t expect the full quiz funnel that you’d get with more advanced quiz makers. So, if your goal is to skyrocket and manage your lead generation, it might not be for you
  • Limited customisation – You do get some options to make its templates more similar to your brand, but not fully (unless you’re happy to start coding)
  • WordPress and Gravity Form dependency – If you haven’t got a WordPress website (and aren’t interested in Gravity Form), this plugin add-on wouldn’t be a logical choice
  • Can be expensive – The quiz add-on is only available with the Elite Plan, and I think it’s only worth the money if you’re going to use all its features. Otherwise, to focus on quiz marketing alone, there are better-value LeadQuizzes alternatives

4. LearnDash Quizzes for Online Courses

As teased by the name, this is actually a learning management tool, and you can use it to create an online course on WordPress.

Quiz Builder Learn Dash

So, it’s not the right LeadQuizzes alternative to build a quiz funnel and get leads. But it’s very effective if you only need a quiz to test your course students.

Price – £159.63/year


  • Comprehensive LMS features – It’s an advanced platform to create and manage all your courses and e-learning products
  • Customisation – You can keep your courses and quizzes on-brand
  • WordPress integration – This plugin will work well with your existing website and theme


  • WordPress dependency – This just isn’t the right LeadQuizzes alternative if you haven’t got a WordPress website
  • Not for lead generation – If your aim is to create online courses (and use quizzes to engage your students), LearnDash is probably the best solution. But if you want to get new customers through a quiz, it’s NOT what it was built for
  • Can be expensive – The actual LMS is excellent value for money, but it’s not the most logical investment if you only need a quiz

5. QuestionPro Quiz Tool

Use QuestionPro to create surveys, boost employee engagement or dive deeper into market research.

QuestionPro Quiz Review

The more expensive plans also have some quiz options, but it’s just not its focus. Still, QuestionPro can be a good option if you’re focusing on collecting data for research purposes.

Price – Freemium and from £79.36/month


  • Surveys – QuestionPro includes branching logic and other features to supercharge your market research
  • Question types – You get around 30 to choose from
  • Reports – You can convert answers into graphs and insightful reports
  • Integrations – Even though it’s not the most impressive list, you can connect QuestionPro to a few CRMs and third-party platforms 


  • Learning curve – Several users struggled to familiarise themselves with its interface and features
  • Not for lead generation – QuestionPro is a fantastic tool for market research. It’s just not as relevant to create full quiz funnels
  • Can be expensive – And for higher plans, they’ll send you a custom quote. So, I think it’s a better solution for large companies looking to invest a lot of money in market research (NOT small businesses or individuals that need more leads)

6. Kahoot Quiz Maker

Kahoot! is a learning platform – much like Quizlet, but even more gamified.

Kahoot Quiz Maker

It recently included options for businesses and professional audiences. However, it’s still better suited for teachers looking to keep their students engaged with fun quizzes and games. 

Price – from £4.99/month


  • Fun learning – Teachers can use Kahoot! to gamify lessons, increase student participation and provide personalised learning plans
  • Question types – You can create all kinds of quizzes, with questions ranging from true or false to sliders and open-ended options
  • Intuitive – It’s easy to create (and complete) quizzes with Kahoot!
  • AI integration – With the highest plan, you can use it to speed up the quiz creation process
  • Cheap – It’s a very budget-friendly LeadQuizzes alternative 


  • Distracting – Kahoot! is great for short-term engagement and occasional tests. However, it might not be the best solution for more in-depth topics (or every single lesson)
  • Hard to track – Creating quizzes is easy. Analysing their results and taking informed action? Not so much, according to several users
  • Limited use – Despite its new additions, Kahoot! is still mainly relevant for teachers. If you’re after a LeadQuizzes alternative to create a full funnel (and get leads), it’s not the best option

7. WP Quiz Plugin

Use this WordPress plugin to boost engagement on your website with simple and fun quizzes. It works particularly well for trivia or personality tests like “How well do you know [topic]?” or “What type of student are you?”

It just lacks the features of more advanced quiz builders. 

Price – £45.67/month


  • Simple – WP Quiz has basic features and an intuitive interface. So, it’ll be easy to create your first quiz
  • WordPress integration – Already have a WordPress website? You’ll get to manage this plugin through its backend
  • Social sharing – You can encourage users to share their results
  • Budget-friendly – It’ll cost you less than £50/year


  • Limited quiz features – You can only use a limited range of question types. So, you might not be able to create the most optimised quiz for your goals
  • Limited customisability – You can change colours… but that’s about it. Your quiz won’t be entirely on-brand
  • Limited integrations – At this stage, you can only link it to 4 third-party platforms (which is not ideal for a full quiz marketing funnel)
  • WordPress dependency – If you haven’t got a WordPress website, it won’t work for you

8. Interact Quiz Builder

The Interact quiz software is known for its personality quizzes, like “What type of marketer are you?” or “What’s your secret sauce?”

Try Interact Quiz Builder

It’s not as in-depth as some of the best LeadQuizzes alternatives. For example, you get limited customisation and quiz types.

But it’s definitely an interesting option to engage your audience with a “BuzzFeed” style quiz.

Price – £21.65


  • Simple – It has an intuitive interface, and you can create your quiz with templates and drag-and-drop blocks
  • Integrations – Connect it with 50+ other tools 
  • Segmentation – Interact does a pretty good job of dividing your leads into categories (based on their results)


  • Can be expensive – With the cheapest plan, you can’t match your branding or track conversions. So, for a full quiz funnel, you’re looking at £42.49 or £100.22/month (which might be too much for smaller companies and individuals)
  • Limited customisation – Interact templates are fairly basic and easy to recognise. They also don’t allow you to match your brand completely
  • Basic scoring – Your customers will only get an overall percentage or result, NOT a complete and more personalised Scorecard (which is what we specialise in at ScoreApp!)
  • Limited quiz options – You can only create multiple-choice, true or false and image-based quizzes. If you want more flexibility, this LeadQuizzes alternative might not be for you

9. PointerPro Quiz Software

Ever heard of Survey Anyplace? It changed names, but its focus on surveys stayed the same. PointerPro is all about collecting data and turning it into reports.

PointerPro Quiz Software

You can use it for quizzes too. It’s just NOT what it’s primarily for – so, those features are limited. Instead, it’s a better LeadQuizzes alternative for internal training and development.

Price – £55.34/month


  • Versatile assessments – You can create different types of surveys and assessments, which are especially useful for internal training and operations
  • Downloadable report – With the highest plans, users get to download custom PDFs with their results
  • White-label – You can entirely replace the Pointerpro branding with your own


  • Learning curve – Many users found it hard to familiarise themselves with PointerPro. Its interface might not be as intuitive as other survey and quiz makers 
  • Limited integrations – Connections with external databases are only available with the most expensive plans. Other than that, you can either use Zapier or stick to 2-3 external tools
  • Can be expensive – It starts at £55.34, and that plan doesn’t include features that might be essential to you (such as downloadable PDFs and scores per answer). For anything else, you’ll need a custom quote. So, it could be too pricey for small businesses and individuals
  • Not for lead generation – If you’re a large company and want to focus on internal operations (like onboarding and training), PointerPro can be a good choice. But if you want to get more leads, it’s NOT as relevant

Note: all prices correct at the time of publishing

What’s the best LeadQuizzes alternative for your business?

The best LeadQuizzes alternative for your business depends on your own requirements and goals.

As you now know, they all focus on different aspects, from surveys to classroom learning.

If what you need is a full quiz funnel, though, the best LeadQuizzes alternative is definitely ScoreApp!

You’ll get to attract new prospects, segment them and nurture them until they buy from you – all automatically. 

Get your ScoreApp quiz live today and for free!

About the author
Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach
Chief Marketing Officer
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